前幾天寫了一篇 Serverless Framework 101,今天就來寫寫 AWS SAM 的教學,這兩個都是用來部署及管理 Serverless 應用的框架,兩者可以說是競爭對手關係!待之後有空再來寫一篇這兩個產品的比較
- 註冊 AWS 帳戶
- 建立 Admin IAM User
- 建立 access key ID and secret access key
- 安裝 AWS CLI
- 配置 AWS credentials
以上詳細內容請查看官方文檔: prerequisites
Mac 的用戶要注意一下,從 2023/9 開始,AWS 不會在維護 AWS SAM CLI 的 Homebrew Installer
由於我現在是使用 Windows 作業系統的電腦,今天示範如何在 Windows 安裝 AWS SAM CLI
Windows 安裝
Windows 安裝相當簡單,只要去官方文檔裡面下載 MSI File,接著無腦的 Next 按按按就裝好了 XD
下載好之後,輸入指令 sam --version
$ sam --version
SAM CLI, version 1.115.0
Windows 啟用 LongPathsEnabled
到這邊還沒有結束,對於 Windows 用戶,Windows 系統的最大路徑限制(MAX_PATH)通常是 260 個字符,請一定要啟用 LongPathsEnabled
,不然在 sam 的某些指令執行後會因為文件路徑過長出現 Error,例如: sam init
Starting in Windows 10, version 1607, MAX_PATH limitations have been removed from common Win32 file and directory functions. However, you must opt-in to the new behavior.
請你以系統管理員身分打開你的 Powershell,這邊我使用 Powershell 版本為 7.4.2
$ New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
LongPathsEnabled : 1
PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem
PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
PSChildName : FileSystem
PSDrive : HKLM
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry
因為有些 process 可能在設置此鍵之前就已經緩存,為了讓系統上的所有應用程序識別這個鍵的值,請重新開機!
Hello World Application
建立一個 Project
首先我們先建立一個 Project
$ sam init
SAM CLI now collects telemetry to better understand customer needs.
You can OPT OUT and disable telemetry collection by setting the
environment variable SAM_CLI_TELEMETRY=0 in your shell.
Thanks for your help!
Learn More: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/serverless-sam-telemetry.html
You can preselect a particular runtime or package type when using the `sam init` experience.
Call `sam init --help` to learn more.
Which template source would you like to use?
1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
2 - Custom Template Location
Choice: 1
Choose an AWS Quick Start application template
1 - Hello World Example
2 - Data processing
3 - Hello World Example with Powertools for AWS Lambda
4 - Multi-step workflow
5 - Scheduled task
6 - Standalone function
7 - Serverless API
8 - Infrastructure event management
9 - Lambda Response Streaming
10 - Serverless Connector Hello World Example
11 - Multi-step workflow with Connectors
12 - GraphQLApi Hello World Example
13 - Full Stack
14 - Lambda EFS example
15 - DynamoDB Example
16 - Machine Learning
Template: 1
Use the most popular runtime and package type? (Python and zip) [y/N]: y
Would you like to enable X-Ray tracing on the function(s) in your application? [y/N]:
Would you like to enable monitoring using CloudWatch Application Insights?
For more info, please view https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/cloudwatch-application-insights.html [y/N]:
Would you like to set Structured Logging in JSON format on your Lambda functions? [y/N]:
Project name [sam-app]: aws-sam-101
Cloning from https://github.com/aws/aws-sam-cli-app-templates (process may take a moment)
Generating application:
Name: aws-sam-101
Runtime: python3.9
Architectures: x86_64
Dependency Manager: pip
Application Template: hello-world
Output Directory: .
Configuration file: aws-sam-101\samconfig.toml
Next steps can be found in the README file at aws-sam-101\README.md
Commands you can use next
[*] Create pipeline: cd aws-sam-101 && sam pipeline init --bootstrap
[*] Validate SAM template: cd aws-sam-101 && sam validate
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: cd aws-sam-101 && sam sync --stack-name {stack-name} --watch
$ cd aws-sam-101
$ tree
│ .gitignore
│ samconfig.toml # 存參數
│ template.yaml # AWS 根據此檔案配置你的 Infra
│ __init__.py
│ event.json
│ app.py # 你的 Lambda Function 寫在這
│ requirements.txt
│ __init__.py
│ requirements.txt
│ __init__.py
│ test_api_gateway.py
│ __init__.py
接下來我們就要來打包我們專案了,但因為我想要使用 Python 3.11,所以我先到 template.yaml
把 Runtime 改成 3.11
$ sam build
Starting Build use cache
Manifest file is changed (new hash: 3298f13049d19cffaa37ca931dd4d421) or dependency folder
(.aws-sam\deps\ab6747e1-a68c-4fab-ae91-fa1c4dcd23e1) is missing for (HelloWorldFunction), downloading dependencies and
copying/building source
Building codeuri: C:\GitHub\aws-sam-101\hello_world runtime: python3.11 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions:
Running PythonPipBuilder:CleanUp
Running PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies
Running PythonPipBuilder:CopySource
Running PythonPipBuilder:CopySource
Build Succeeded
Built Artifacts : .aws-sam\build
Built Template : .aws-sam\build\template.yaml
Commands you can use next
[*] Validate SAM template: sam validate
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided
如指令 output 所示,你會發現你的 .aws-sam 目錄下多了 build 這個目錄
├── build
│ ├── HelloWorldFunction
│ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ ├── app.py # Lambda Function
│ │ └── requirements.txt
│ └── template.yaml
└── build.toml
在這個部份,你需要配置你的 AWS Credentials,我已經事先創建好一個 IAM User 來暫時用,詳細如何配置你的 AWS Credentials 請自行翻閱官方文檔,本文預設讀者已具備操作 AWS 的基本能力
輸入以下指令來部署你的 Lambda
$ sam deploy --guided
Configuring SAM deploy
Looking for config file [samconfig.toml] : Found
Reading default arguments : Success
Setting default arguments for 'sam deploy'
Stack Name [aws-sam-101]:
AWS Region [ap-northeast-1]:
#Shows you resources changes to be deployed and require a 'Y' to initiate deploy
Confirm changes before deploy [Y/n]: n
#SAM needs permission to be able to create roles to connect to the resources in your template
Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation [Y/n]:
#Preserves the state of previously provisioned resources when an operation fails
Disable rollback [y/N]:
HelloWorldFunction has no authentication. Is this okay? [y/N]: y
Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]:
SAM configuration file [samconfig.toml]:
SAM configuration environment [default]:
Looking for resources needed for deployment:
Creating the required resources...
Successfully created!
Managed S3 bucket: aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-jptiw4noplqk
A different default S3 bucket can be set in samconfig.toml and auto resolution of buckets turned off by setting resolve_s3=False
Parameter "stack_name=aws-sam-101" in [default.deploy.parameters] is defined as a global parameter [default.global.parameters].
This parameter will be only saved under [default.global.parameters] in C:\GitHub\aws-sam-101\samconfig.toml.
Saved arguments to config file
Running 'sam deploy' for future deployments will use the parameters saved above.
The above parameters can be changed by modifying samconfig.toml
Learn more about samconfig.toml syntax at
Uploading to aws-sam-101/37624213qqc910da9321690a64a28 554765 / 554765 (100.00%)
Deploying with following values
Stack name : aws-sam-101
Region : ap-northeast-1
Confirm changeset : False
Disable rollback : False
Deployment s3 bucket : aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-jptiw4noplqk
Capabilities : ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]
Parameter overrides : {}
Signing Profiles : {}
Initiating deployment
Uploading to aws-sam-101/dbd54debe319zaa19577cbf2egaj4.template 1257 / 1257 (100.00%)
Waiting for changeset to be created..
CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation LogicalResourceId ResourceType Replacement
+ Add HelloWorldFunctionHelloWorldPermissionPro AWS::Lambda::Permission N/A
+ Add HelloWorldFunctionRole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add HelloWorldFunction AWS::Lambda::Function N/A
+ Add ServerlessRestApiDeployment47fcad5f9d AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment N/A
+ Add ServerlessRestApiProdStage AWS::ApiGateway::Stage N/A
+ Add ServerlessRestApi AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi N/A
Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:1234556781:changeSet/samcli-deploy17144221345/7ac52521a5-34ce-432f-bb1e-64521743e8g
2024-04-28 21:27:31 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete
CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 5.0 seconds)
ResourceStatus ResourceType LogicalResourceId ResourceStatusReason
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack aws-sam-101 User Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role HelloWorldFunctionRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role HelloWorldFunctionRole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::IAM::Role HelloWorldFunctionRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function HelloWorldFunction -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function HelloWorldFunction Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function HelloWorldFunction Eventual consistency check initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi ServerlessRestApi -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi ServerlessRestApi Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi ServerlessRestApi -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment ServerlessRestApiDeployment432d5f9d -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission HelloWorldFunctionHelloWorldPermissionPro -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function HelloWorldFunction -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission HelloWorldFunctionHelloWorldPermissionPro Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment ServerlessRestApiDeployment4715f9d Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Permission HelloWorldFunctionHelloWorldPermissionPro -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment ServerlessRestApiDeployment12d5f9d -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::Stage ServerlessRestApiProdStage -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::Stage ServerlessRestApiProdStage Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::ApiGateway::Stage ServerlessRestApiProdStage -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::CloudFormation::Stack aws-sam-101 -
CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack
Key HelloWorldFunctionIamRole
Description Implicit IAM Role created for Hello World function
Value arn:aws:iam::1234566781:role/aws-sam-101-HelloWorldFunctionRole-WAAUK9mx1X1E
Key HelloWorldApi
Description API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hello World function
Value https://ffj14dx1k.execute-api.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/Prod/hello/
Key HelloWorldFunction
Description Hello World Lambda Function ARN
Value arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:function:aws-sam-101-HelloWorldFunction-714agg15dlfg
Successfully created/updated stack - aws-sam-101 in ap-northeast-1
當你看到 Successfully created/updated stack - aws-sam-101 in ap-northeast-1
我們到 AWS Console 查看一下 Lambda 和 CloudFormation
而 sam deploy
- 創建 S3 Bucket 並上傳
目錄:- AWS SAM CLI 首先創建一個 S3 Bucket(如果沒有指定現有的 Bucket)。這個 Bucket 用於存儲部署過程中需要的所有文件。
- 接著,AWS SAM CLI 將你的
目錄上傳到這個新建的 S3 Bucket 中。.aws-sam
目錄通常包含編譯和打包後的應用程式碼及其依賴文件,這些是部署到 AWS 的必需資源。
- 將 AWS SAM 模板轉換為 AWS CloudFormation 並上傳:
- AWS SAM 模板是一種描述你的服務器無應用架構的文件,它使用 YAML 或 JSON 格式編寫。AWS SAM CLI 會將這個模板轉換成 AWS CloudFormation 模板。CloudFormation 是 AWS 提供的一個服務,允許用戶通過編寫模板來模型化和設定整個 AWS 資源堆棧。
- 轉換後的模板隨後被上傳到 AWS CloudFormation 服務。這個步驟是為了準備資源的配置和管理。
- AWS CloudFormation 佈置資源:
- 一旦模板上傳到 AWS CloudFormation 服務,CloudFormation 便開始根據模板中的定義來創建和配置所需的 AWS 資源。這包括設定如函數、資料庫、網路設置等必要的組件。
- CloudFormation 確保所有資源都按照模板中定義的依賴關係和參數設定正確部署,並管理資源的整個生命周期。
調用部署上去的 Lambda Function
現在我們可以來測試看看 API Endpoint,到剛剛的 Lambda,點擊 API Gateway 找到 Endpoint
{"message": "hello world"}
除了直接到 AWS Console 查看 API Endpoint 之外,sam 還有提供指令來查看 API Endpoints
$ sam list endpoints --output json
"LogicalResourceId": "HelloWorldFunction",
"PhysicalResourceId": "aws-sam-101-HelloWorldFunction-7111ffa",
"CloudEndpoint": "-",
"Methods": "-"
"LogicalResourceId": "ServerlessRestApi",
"PhysicalResourceId": "123j013dx3i",
"CloudEndpoint": [
"Methods": [
另外我們也可以使用 sam remote invoke
指令來調用部署 AWS 上的 Lambda
但請特別注意,invoke 後面所接的參數,是你在
中所定義的 Resources 名稱,也就是 HelloWorldFunction,這跟 Serverless Framework 的serverless invoke
指令概念一樣關於上述提到的 Serverless Framework,我有寫一篇教學文章,裡面有提到
serverless invoke
指令 (連結)
$ sam remote invoke HelloWorldFunction
Invoking Lambda Function HelloWorldFunction
START RequestId: 1ec7cb08-1066-4f23-b4fd-b542a97ef27b Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 1ec7cb08-1066-4f23-b4fd-b542a97ef27b
REPORT RequestId: 1ec7cb08-1066-4f23-b4fd-b542a97ef27b Duration: 2.30 ms Billed Duration: 3 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 33 MB Init Duration: 85.18 ms
{"statusCode": 200, "body": "{\"message\": \"hello world\"}"}
對程式碼做個小更改,並快速部署最新變更至 AWS
現在我們來稍微修改一下 Lambda 程式碼,我把 hello world
改成 → hello shiun
也許第一時間我們會想說可以用 sam deploy
這個指令把最新的變更部署上去,但是 AWS SAM CLI 還提供了一個指令 — sam snyc
,當正在開發 AWS Lambda 函數或其他 AWS 資源並且需要頻繁進行小的更改時,sam sync
可以讓您快速將這些更改推送到 AWS
sam deploy vs sam sync
- sam sync
- 允許開發者快速將本地更改同步到已部署的應用,特別是對於代碼和配置的小修改。這對於快速開發周期非常有用,因為它大幅減少了等待時間,開發者可以即時看到他們更改的效果
- 只更新有變更的資源,避免了不必要的重複部署過程,這樣可以節省時間和成本,尤其是在開發階段的頻繁更新中
- sam deploy:
- 進行完整的部署,包括重新打包應用、上傳到 S3,並通過 AWS CloudFormation 更新整個 Stack。這個過程通常比較耗時,對於小幅度的迭代來說可能效率不高
- 每次部署都可能涉及重建和重啟所有資源,即使是未更改的部分也一樣,這會導致更高的時間和成本消耗
綜合以上,我們這裡修改了程式碼,比較好的做法是使用 sam sync
$ sam sync --watch
The SAM CLI will use the AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS StepFunctions APIs to upload your code without
performing a CloudFormation deployment. This will cause drift in your CloudFormation stack.
**The sync command should only be used against a development stack**.
Confirm that you are synchronizing a development stack.
Enter Y to proceed with the command, or enter N to cancel:
[Y/n]: Y
Queued infra sync. Waiting for in progress code syncs to complete...
Starting infra sync.
Manifest is not changed for (HelloWorldFunction), running incremental build
Building codeuri: C:\GitHub\aws-sam-101\hello_world runtime: python3.11 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions: HelloWorldFunction
Running PythonPipBuilder:CopySource
Build Succeeded
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file C:\Users\Shiun\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpve9a9m2j.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
sam deploy --template-file C:\Users\Shiun\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpveam2j --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>
Deploying with following values
Stack name : aws-sam-101
Region : ap-northeast-1
Disable rollback : False
Deployment s3 bucket : aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-jptialqk
Parameter overrides : {}
Signing Profiles : null
Initiating deployment
2024-04-28 22:15:56 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete
CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 0.5 seconds)
ResourceStatus ResourceType LogicalResourceId ResourceStatusReason
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack aws-sam-101 User Initiated
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack aws-sam-101 Transformation succeeded
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack AwsSamAutoDependencyLayerNestedStack -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack AwsSamAutoDependencyLayerNestedStack Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::CloudFormation::Stack AwsSamAutoDependencyLayerNestedStack -
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function HelloWorldFunction -
UPDATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function HelloWorldFunction -
UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack aws-sam-101 -
UPDATE_COMPLETE AWS::CloudFormation::Stack aws-sam-101 -
CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack
Key HelloWorldFunctionIamRole
Description Implicit IAM Role created for Hello World function
Value arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/aws-sam-101-HelloWorldFunctionRole-WAAUK9mx1X1E
Key HelloWorldApi
Description API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for Hello World function
Value https://g13i1111.execute-api.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/Prod/hello/
Key HelloWorldFunction
Description Hello World Lambda Function ARN
Value arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:function:aws-sam-101-HelloWorldFunction-7i6w81lfg
Stack update succeeded. Sync infra completed.
CodeTrigger not created as CodeUri or DefinitionUri is missing for ServerlessRestApi.
Infra sync completed.
現在我們上去 AWS Console 查看一下 Lambda 和 CloudFormation 的變更
Lambda 已經成功修改這部分我想沒什麼問題,那 CloudFormation 的 Stack 顯示 “NESTED” 這是什麼?由於此文章主要以 AWS SAM 入門教學為主,我這邊簡單解釋:
在 AWS CloudFormation 中,Nested Stack 就是在一個主要的 Stack(想像成一個大的項目列表)裡面,可以創建和管理多個小 Stack(就像是項目列表中的子列表)。這樣做的好處是,當你有很多相似的設置或配置需要重複使用時,你可以把這些配置做成一個小 Stack,然後在其他項目中引用它,這樣就不需要每次都重寫相同的配置,可以讓整個結構更清晰,也更容易管理。
承上,由於這個特性,我們可以重用配置,這也是為什麼 sam sync 比較適合開發快速迭代,而且部署速度較快
詳細請見 AWS 官方文檔: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-nested-stacks.html
{"message": "hello shiun"}
透過 AWS SAM CLI 刪除部署在 AWS 上的資源
CloudFormation 的特性就是可以刪除 Stack 來把當初透過這個 Stack 創建出來的資源刪乾淨,而 AWS SAM 身為 CloudFormation 的拓展,也提供了 sam delete
$ sma delete
Are you sure you want to delete the stack aws-sam-101 in the region ap-northeast-1 ? [y/N]: y
Do you want to delete the template file 3141123123abc82d45ef55faf04.template in S3? [y/N]: y
- Deleting S3 object with key 4c36d2ab78169da9e38fe8339b80626a
- Deleting S3 object with key bd8e9f5130e915b480c3b2279a8baedb.template
- Deleting S3 object with key 21410647a9e8cabc82d45e5556b6a804.template
- Deleting Cloudformation stack aws-sam-101
Deleted successfully